These past few days I have been dog sitting. Yes, Me. Most of you know that I am not the first person to be excited about a new puppy or any sort of pet for that matter. This past week I took on the task of dog sitting. I was dog sitting for corgi dogs; Marley To Die For and Rosie ( I can't remember the rest of her name). They act more like humans than most teenagers do. They have a strict schedule:
8:00 AM Breakfast, Vitamins and Outdoor Time1:00 PM Bathroom Break
5:00 PM Dinner and Exercise
9:00 PM Bathroom Break
10:30 PM Bedtime Snack (1/3 of a slice of cheese they share) and Lights Out
I actually enjoyed watching them for a few days and I think they won me over.

Here I am with Rosie. Marley refused to take a photo.
REALLY! YOU??? WOW! I'm impressed..Love you MOM
you might not even know me by the time i come home- this dog thing is a pretty big change!
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