Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful in 2011

1. For this clan I get to be part of (forever and ever):
Note: Dad is missing but, I am thankful for him too!

2. This addition to the clan:
If babies just slept like this forever I think people would have more of them, that's why God makes them cry and poop, to control the population.

3. These 2:
Don't be confused by the mexican props, that's just Trey and Jessie, doing what they do best- having a good time. That's why I am thankful for them, we never have a boring day here.

4. This dry, hot desert that I get to live in.
And all the new things it has brought me; friendships, opportunities, absence from home (which makes the heart grow fonder) and endless days in the sunshine with tan skin!

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