Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Sometimes, even a blind hog finds an acorn"

This is an old saying I use to hear from my Dad. To put it in a nice way it essentially means you got lucky!

As we get ready for the new hospital to be built we are constantly announcing each new step we take to the press. We like to remind the city of Al Ain how exciting this project is for the community. In my role at the hospital, I write press releases and do my best to keep in touch with any press contacts. This past week I got an exciting phone call that Khaleej Times was going to do a feature piece on Oasis Hospital in their Weekend Edition.

After working closely with Olivia, a staff writer at Khaleej Times, this article (scroll down to the Expressions section) was published in today's paper. The President of our hospital jokingly told me that I could keep my job for 2 more days, I thought I could get at least a week out of this!


virginia said...

Min! Congratulations! That's an awesome proud of you! :)

Jess said...

So...that comment from mom is actually mine! She must have signed on yesterday!

virginia said...

Yes-imagine my surprise and confusion when I saw "my" comment--I have to agree though..Great Job!