Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Granny is smarter than your Granny

Maybe that's not the nicest way to say it but, I love my Granny. My Granny and I officially share the same birthday- June 10th. This year she turned 83. I just got off the phone with her and here is a quick play by play of our conversation:
G:"Can ya'll access all American things over there?"
M:"umm.. yeah, like what?"
G:"Do you have a pencil?"
M:"yeah, go ahead, I do."
G:"w-w-w dot c-h-gospel dot net. When you get homesick just go to that and you can see our church on there."

Seriously, my Granny just told me to go on a website to see her church! I am so proud of this woman! I hope I can keep up with the world as it changes like she has! To top it off she told me that I could search on youtube for the video of it! AMAZING!


virginia said...

That's Granny for you! Still spreading the word about God to every corner of the earth from Jasper, Georgia!Love you Granny.

Louyse said...

I absolutely love this and so does your grandmother. Thanks for showing your love and respect for her in such a delightful way!