My sister-in-law Jessie plans the events for the hospital. My first Saturday night here she had a women's dinner for Oasis' 50th Anniversary. I had the opportunity to go and be a part of the evening. Here in the Emirates the government is run by a Sheik and the term Sheik or Sheika (for a woman) is used before any royalty's name. At the women's event one of the women from the ruling family, a sheika was the guest of honor. The founder of the UAE had one of his sons at Oasis Hospital and she was representing that family at the dinner.
Here in the UAE local women do not mix with men, this means that any event large or small men and women are in seperate rooms. At the dinner even all of the serving staff and security had to be women.
It is also uncommon to find local woman who are willing to be photographed but, this woman Ahalam who I work with and her mother were willing to stop for a picture.
Hey Min-
Just got caught up with your blog! I hope you're feeling better. That's cool you're taking Arabic lessons from Latifah...sounds like she's from the hood!
<3 you
I love reading your blog min!
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